
Share your story

Who writes the story of your life? You do, of course. Aren’t we all free to write our own?

Many people around the world are not, unfortunately. They have much to dread from an oppressive culture, society, government, family, or partner. Many of us — even when spared from this fear — still experience the limits of our common beliefs. We live by the script, a script that has been drafted and honed for us long before we were born. Most of the time unconsciously, we obey unwritten rules, seldom pausing to question them. 

Here, we want you to question these rules, go beyond the unspoken, and actually write the story that matters the most to you: your own. Share your vision, explore your imaginary world where no boundaries apply, and become the character you have created.

What kind of story can I share?

Share stories of your struggles, fears, hopes. Describe the world you would like to live in. Voice your opinions on society and gender matters. Be creative and bring in new themes. We’re open to every suggestion. 

Which content formats can I share?

This is the Internet so… be bold! You can share text, pictures, illustrations, infographics, soundtracks, videos, anything as long as it is your original content and you own the rights to publish and reproduce it.

How about copyrights?

When you share a story with Women Valley, you grant us the non-exclusive right to your content. That means that you retain full copyright to your content and you can still use it as you like. We publish your content on this website and promote it on our marketing and merchandising materials.

Which content should I avoid?

Not surprisingly, we don’t publish hate speech, racist, discriminating, or harmful content. Neither do we encourage direct denunciations. If you have been subjected to harassment, assault, or violence, we strongly recommend that you report it to your local authorities. If — for many reasons we are aware of — it is hard for you to do so, contact us. The community will do its best to assist you.

Is my story automatically published?

No, it isn’t. We personally review the stories you provide and decide on approval or rejection. If rejected, we send you our feedback provided that you submitted your email address. If approved, your story might go through a very light proofreading process. If you want to submit content in your native language, contact us. We will ask the community if someone is willing to translate it.


Can I share my story anonymously?

Absolutely, Women Valley is a safe place for all. You don’t have to disclose your name and email when submitting your story. Just be aware that we won’t be able to recontact you to share our feedback if you don’t provide an email address. You also have the option to share your identity with us and publish stories anonymously or under a pseudonym.

Make a donation

At Women Valley, our goal is to raise awareness, educate, and inspire on gender equality. We want to embolden women to write and share their own stories.

Thanks to contributions like yours, we are able to take care of our members and grow the community from here.

Share your story now.

Submit a Story

Women Valley

Women Valley’s mission is to raise awareness, educate, and inspire on gender equality. Publish your story and inspire millions of others in the world.